Real Good

Introducing Real Good by U.S. Bank

Episode Summary

When the COVID-19 outbreak hit, there was a rush to provide relief for people in need. U.S. Bank partnered with nonprofits around the country to offer support. They looked to the helpers, and the helpers had a lot to say.    COVID-19 created struggles we’ve never seen before, but it’s also shining a light on problems our communities face every day – problems that are intersectional in nature.   These are the stories of people who are truly making an impact, and the people whose lives are being changed by their efforts.

Episode Notes

When the COVID-19 outbreak hit, there was a rush to provide relief for people in need. U.S. Bank partnered with nonprofits around the country to offer support. They looked to the helpers, and the helpers had a lot to say.

COVID-19 created struggles we’ve never seen before, but it’s also shining a light on problems our communities face every day – problems that are intersectional in nature.

These are the stories of people who are truly making an impact, and the people whose lives are being changed by their efforts.